Historein. Atenas, v.20, n.1, 2021 / n.1-2, 2017.
Historein. Atenas, v.20, n.1, 2021.
1821: What Made it Greek? What Made it Revolutionary?
Published: 2022-01-07
- Editorial Committee: Ada Diala, Effi Gazi, Giorgos Plakotos, Emilia Salvanou, Elias Stouraitis, Athena Syriatou
- Issue Editors: Ada Dialla, Yanni Kotsonis
- Cover Image: Dimitris Polychroniadis, Heroes on Loan, still frame from GIF, 2021 (1821 Digital Archive, Research Center for the Humanities)
- Cover Design: Panagiotis Papidas
- Introduction: 1821 and the Crooked Line to the Nation-State
- Ada A. Dialla, Yanni D. Kotsonis
- Sources of Political and Social Unrest in the Peloponnese on the Eve of the Revolution
- Dean Kostantaras
- From Warriors to Soldiers: Regularising Military Logistics and the Emergence of Military Medicine. The Case of the Armatoles (c. 1800–1831)
- Athanasios Barlagiannis
- “United we stand, divided we fall”: Sovereignty and Government during the Greek Revolution, 1821–1828
- Michalis Sotiropoulos
- The Capture of the Ship Ayios Ioannis Theologos in the Summer of 1825: An Investigation of Limits
- Dimitris Dimitropoulos
- The Catholic Communities of the Aegean Archipelago during the Greek Revolution, 1821–1830
- Dimitris Kousouris
- Neophotistoi and Apostates: Greece and Conversion in the Nineteenth Century
- Evdoxios Doxiadis
- Imperial Rhetoric and Revolutionary Practice: The Greek 1821
- Ada A. Dialla
- French Involvement in the Greek War of Independence
- Anna Karakatsouli
- Mount Lebanon and Greece: Mediterranean Crosscurrents, 1821–1841
- Peter Hill
Historein. Atenas, v.20, n.2, 2022.
Historein 20.2, 2022), Early View – Issue in Progress
Published: 2022-08-27
- Editorial Committee:
- Ada Diala, Effi Gazi, Giorgos Plakotos, Emilia Salvanou, Elias Stouraitis, Athena Syriatou
- Book Review Editor: Athena Syriatou
- Cover Design: Panagiotis Papidas
- Greek Women’s Habits through the Eyes of Early Travellers to Chios
- Efterpi Mitsi
- Constantinos Anninos between India and Greece
- A Recorder of the Hidden and the Unfamiliar in the Early 20th Century
- Kostas Ioannidis
- Review of Nadège Ragaru, “Et les Juifs bulgares furent sauvés…” Une histoire des savoirs sur la Shoah en Bulgarie
- Henriette-Rika Benveniste
- Review of Joanna Innes and Mark Philp, eds., Re-imagining Democracy in the Mediterranean, 1780–1860
- Konstantina Zanou
- Review of Leonidas Moiras, Η ελληνική Επανάσταση μέσα από τα μάτια των Οθωμανών
- [The Greek Revolution through Ottoman eyes]
- Yannis Spyropoulos
- Review of Christina Koulouri, Φουστανέλες και χλαμύδες: Ιστορική μνήμη και εθνική ταυτότητα, 1821–1930
- [Fustanellas and chlamydes: Historical memory and national identity, 1821–1930]
- Effi Gazi
- Review of Vasileios Petrogiannis, European Mobility and Spatial Belongings: Greek and Latvian Migrants in Sweden
- Rolf Petri
- Review of Małgorzata Borowska, Maria Kalinowska, Jarosław Ławski and Katarzyna Tomaszuk, eds., Filhellenizm w Polsce: Rekonesans
- Alexandra Ioannidou
- Review of Paul Genoni and Tanya Dalziell, Half the Perfect World: Writers, Dreamers and Drifters on Hydra, 1955–1964
- Eleni Braat
- Review of Giorgos Charalambous and Gregoris Ioannou, eds., Left Radicalism and Populism in Europe
- Grigoris Markou
- Review of Penelope Petsini and Dimitris Christopoulos, eds., Λεξικό λογοκρισίας στην Ελλάδα: Καχεκτική δημοκρατία, δικτατορία, μεταπολίτευση
- [Dictionary of censorship in Greece: Stunted democracy, dictatorship, metapolitefsi]
- Christos Triantafyllou
- Review of Nikos Christofis, ed., Erdoğan’s “New” Turkey: Attempted Coup D’état and the Acceleration of Political Crisis
- Anthony Derisiotis
Historein. Atenas, v.19, n.2, 2021.
From the Greek Revolution of 1821 to the Metapolitefsi: Historiographical Debates in Greece across Two Centuries
Published: 2021-07-06
- Editorial Committee: Ada Diala, Effi Gazi, Giorgos Plakotos, Emilia Salvanou, Elias Stouraitis, Athena Syriatou
- Issue Editors: Vangelis Karamanolakis, Christos Triantafyllou
- Book Review Editor: Athena Syriatou
- Cover Image: “The Cry of the Greek People”, poster by the Central Council of the Greek Anti-Dictatorship Committees Abroad, on the occasion of the celebration of 150 years since the Greek Revolution (1971); Contemporary Social History Archives, Athens
- Cover Design: Panagiotis Papidas
- Editorial Note
- From the Greek Revolution of 1821 to the Metapolitefsi: Historiographical Debates in Greece across Two Centuries
- Vangelis Karamanolakis, Christos Triantafyllou
- Who is the Historian? The Formation of Modern Greek History and the Historical Community in the Short Twentieth Century
- Vangelis Karamanolakis
- The Historiography of the Greek Revolution of 1821: From Memoirs to National Scholarly History, 1821–1922
- Panagiotis Stathis
- Collective Memory and Political Mythologies: Eleftherios Venizelos in Greek Postwar Historiography, 1945–1967
- Christos Triantafyllou
- Rupture or Continuity? Revisiting the Basic Themes of the Historiography of the 21 April Dictatorship
- Eleni Kouki
- Greece, Uruguay and the British Informal Empire: From National Narratives to Global History
- Sakis Gekas, Camila Acosta
- Mathieu Grenet, La fabrique communautaire: Les Grecs à Venise, Livourne et Marseille, 1770–1840
- Konstantina Zanou
- Diana Mishkova, Beyond Balkanism: The Scholarly Politics of Region Making
- Dimitris Stamatopoulos
- Konstantina Zanou, Transnational Patriotism in the Mediterranean, 1800–1850: Stammering the Nation
- Christine M. Philliou
- Leda Papastefanaki, Η φλέβα της γης: Τα μεταλλεία της Ελλάδας, 19ος–20ός αιώνας [The vein of the earth: The mines of Greece, 19th–20th centuries]
- Christos Karampatsos
- Stratos N. Dordanas and Nikos Papanastasiou, eds., Ο «μακρύς» ελληνογερμανικός εικοστός αιώνας: Οι μαύρες σκιές στην ιστορία των διμερών σχέσεων [The “long” Greek-German twentieth century: The dark shadows in the history of the bilateral relationships]
- Chrysa Vachtsevanou
- Giorgos Antoniou and A. Dirk Moses, eds., The Holocaust in Greece
- Evdoxios Doxiadis
- Xavier Bougarel, Hannes Grandits and Marija Vulesica, eds., Local Dimensions of the Second World War in Southeastern Europe
- Vangelis Tzoukas
- Vassilis Asimakopoulos and Chrysanthos Tassis, eds., ΠΑΣΟΚ 1974-2018: Πολιτική οργάνωση – Ιδεολογικές μετατοπίσεις – Κυβερνητικές μεταβολές [PASOK, 1974-2018: political organisation, ideological shifts, government policies]
- Eleni Paschaloudi
- Dimitris Papanikolaou, Κάτι τρέχει με την οικογένεια: Έθνος, πόθος και συγγένεια την εποχή της κρίσης [There is something about the family: Nation, desire and kinship at a time of crisis]
- Dimitris Plantzos
- Anna Matthaiou, Οικογένεια και σεξουαλικότητα: Μεταξύ παράδοσης και νεωτερικότητας (ελληνικές μαρτυρίες, 17ος–αρχές 19ου αι.) [Family and sexuality: Between tradition and modernity (Greek testimonies, 17th–early 19th centuries)]
- Androniki Dialeti
- David Vincent, A History of Solitude
- Rolf Petri
Historein. Atenas, v.19, n.1, 2020.
Global Labour History: Perspectives from East to West, from North to South
Published: 2020-06-03
- Editorial Committee: Ada Diala, Giorgos Plakotos, Salvanou Emilia, Elias Stouraitis, Athena Syriatou
- Issue Editors: Dimitra Lampropoulou, Leda Papastefanaki, Nikos Potamianos
- Book Review Editor: Athena Syriatou
- Cover Photo: Hotel Kitchen, 2000, Athens (Spiros Drivas personal collection)
- Cover Design: Panagiotis Papidas
- Global Labour History: Perspectives from East to West, from North to South
- Dimitra Lampropoulou, Leda Papastefanaki
- State, Policy and Gender at the Workplace in India: A Comparison Over Time
- Manjapra Variathe Shobhana Warrier
- Forms of Unfree Labour in Brazil: Dealing with Racism and Racialisation in Amazonian Agriculture
- Julia Harnoncourt
- Labour Policy and Diplomacy: Argentina’s Labour Attachés under Peronism
- Maria Damilakou
- For a New Global Labour History: A View from Eastern Europe
- Alina-Sandra Cucu
- From the Display of a Digital-Masculine Machine to the Concealed Analog-Feminine Labour: The Passage from the History of Technology to Labour and Gender History
- Aristotle Tympas
- Efterpi Mitsi, Greece in Early English Travel Writing, 1596–1682
- Jonathan Patrick Alan Sell
- Dimitris Stamatopoulos, ed., Balkan Nationalism(s) and the Ottoman Empire
- Leonidas Moiras
- Anna Mahera and Leda Papastefanaki, eds., Εβραϊκές κοινότητες ανάμεσα σε Ανατολή και Δύση, 15ος-20ός αιώνας: Οικονομία, κοινωνία, πολιτική, πολιτισμός [Jewish communities between East and West, 15th–20th centuries: economy, society, politics, culture]
- Stefanos Dimitriou
- Efi Avdela, Dimitris Arvanitakis, Eliza A. Delveroudi, Evgenios Matthiopoulos, Socrates Petmezas and Tassos Sakellaropoulos, eds., Φυλετικές θεωρίες στην Ελλάδα: Προσλήψεις και χρήσεις στις επιστήμες, την πολιτική, τη λογοτεχνία και την ιστορία της τέχνης κατά τον 19ο και τον 20ό αιώνα [Racial theories in Greece: perception and use in science, politics, literature and art history in the 19th and 20th centuries]
- Yannis Hamilakis
- Emilia Salvanou, H συγκρότηση της προσφυγικής μνήμης: To παρελθόν ως ιστορία και πρακτική [The making of refugee memory: the past as history and practice]
- Erik Johan Sjöberg
- Mitsos Bilalis, Το παρελθόν στο δίκτυο: Εικόνα, τεχνολογία και ιστορική κουλτούρα στη σύγχρονη Ελλάδα (1994–2005) [Online pasts: image, technology and historical culture in contemporary Greece, 1994–2005]
- Anna-Maria Sichani
- Leonidas Karakatsanis and Nikolaos Papadogiannis, eds., The Politics of Culture in Turkey, Greece and Cyprus: Performing the Left Since the Sixties
- Alexis Rappas
- James B. Gardner and Paula Hamilton, eds., The Oxford Handbook of Public History
- Emilia Salvanou
- Myrsini Zorba, Ανδρέας Παπανδρέου: Πολιτισμικό πορτρέτο [Andreas Papandreou: cultural portrait]
- Chrysanthos D. Tassis
Historein. Atenas, v.18, n.2, 2019.
Jewish Life after the Return: Dutch and Greek Experiences after the Shoah. Part II
Published: 2019-06-19
- Editorial Committee: Ada Diala, Giorgos Plakotos, Salvanou Emilia, Elias Stouraitis, Athena Syriatou
- Issue Editors: Henriette-Rika Benveniste, Pothiti Hantzaroula
- Book Review Editor: Athena Syriatou
- Cover Image: Samis Taboh, Kaleidoskope of Memory, “F”rei[2002]
- Cover Design: Panagiotis Papidas
- Rebuilding Jewish Communities after the Holocaust: The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee’s Relief Programme in Postwar Greece
- Nikos Tzafleris
- The Return of the Jews: Jewish Owners of Amsterdam Real Estate and the Ground Rent, 1938–1949
- Johannes Houwink ten Cate
- Allatini Dormitory, 3 Paraskevopoulou Street: Despair and Hope in Salonika after the Shoah
- Henriette-Rika Benveniste
- Being Leftist and Jewish in Greece during the Civil War and its Aftermath: Constraints and Choices
- Eleni Beze
- Prominent Jews: the Absence and Presence of Jews in Postwar Netherlands
- Ido de Haan
- The Cowardly Jew they Forgot to Gas: The Phenomenon of Dutch Post-liberation Antisemitism and Some Continuities
- Evelien Gans
- Dimitra Vassiliadou, Στον τροπικό της γραφής: Οικογενειακοί δεσμοί και συναισθήματα στην αστική Ελλάδα, 1850–1930 [The tropic of writing family ties and emotions in modern Greece, 1850–1930]
- Anna Matthaiou
- Ethan Kleinberg, Haunting History: For a Deconstructive Approach to the Past
- Theodoros Pelekanidis
- Ali Yaycioglu, Partners of the Empire: The Crisis of the Ottoman Order in the Age of Revolutions
- Eleni Gara
- Konstantinos Raptis, Die Grafen Harrach und ihre Welt 1884–1945
- Ikaros Mantouvalos
- Athena Athanasiou: Agonistic Mourning: Political Dissidence and the Women in Black
- Kostas Yannakopoulos
- Henriette-Rika Benveniste, Λούνα: Δοκίμιο ιστορικής βιογραφίας [Luna: an essay in historical biography]
- Maria Kavala
Historein. Atenas, v.18, n.1, 2019.
Jewish Life after the Return: Dutch and Greek Experiences after the Shoah. Part I
Published: 2019-06-19
- Editorial Committee: Ada Diala, Giorgos Plakotos, Salvanou Emilia, Elias Stouraitis, Athena Syriatou
- Issue Editors: Henriette-Rika Benveniste, Pothiti Hantzaroula
- Book Review Editor: Athena Syriatou
- Cover Image: Samis Taboh, Kaleidoskope of Memory, “F”rei[2002]
- Cover Design: Panagiotis Papidas
- After the Tempest: The Post-Holocaust years in the Netherlands and in Greece
- Henriette-Rika Benveniste, Pothiti Hantzaroula
- Commonalities and Peculiarities of the Return to Life of Holocaust Survivors in their Home Countries: The Dutch and Greek Cases in Context
- Dan Michman
- My parents were killed in Sobibor, but it feels as if I was there: Imagination in my Interviews
- Selma Leydesdorff
- Postwar Identity in the Making: Hidden Children in Volos (Greece)
- Pothiti Hantzaroula
- Personal Experiences in Post-Shoah Greece: The Case of Isaak Menahem Rousso
- Anna Maria Droumpouki
- The Emergence and Construction of the Memory of the Shoah in Greece (1945–2015.
- From Oblivion to Memory
- Odette Varon-Vassard
- Evdoxios Doxiadis, State, Nationalism and the Jewish Communities of Modern Greece
- Alexandra Patrikiou
- Rolf Petri, A Short History of Western Ideology: A Critical Account
- Sebastiano Taccola
- Robert Gildea, Fighters in the Shadows: A New History of the French Resistance
- Polymeris Voglis
- Kostis Karpozilos, Κόκκινη Αμερική: Έλληνες μετανάστες και το όραμα ενός Νέου Κόσμου (1900-1950) [Red America: Greek immigrants and the new world vision, 1900-1950]
- Ioanna Laliotou
- Leonidas Karakatsanis, Turkish-Greek Relations: Rapprochement, Civil Society and the Politics of Friendship
- Anthony Derisiotis
- Johanna Hanink, The Classical Debt: Greek Antiquity in an Era of Austerity
- Dimitris Plantzos
Historein. Atenas, v.17, n.2, 2018.
History, Historiography and the Historical Profession
Published: 2018-08-21
- Editorial Committee: Photini Danou, Ada A. Dialla, Giorgos Plakotos, Aimilia Salvanou, Elias Stouraitis, Athena Syriatou
- Book Review Editor: Athena Syriatou
- Cover Image: Pantelis Chandris, “Ο Ερωτών” [The Quester, 2006]
- Cover Design: Panagiotis Papidas
- Introduction
- Giorgos Plakotos, Athina Syriatou
- The Question of Modern Economic Development in Greek Historiography and its Public Perception during the 20th century (1907–1990)
- Alexis Franghiadis
- The Plurality of Greeknesses in Interwar Greece: A Matter of Culture or Politics?
- Katerina Georgiou Papari
- From Instant History to the Infinite Archive: Digital Archiving, Memory and the Practical Past at the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media
- Pedro Telles da Silveira
- History and Virtual Topology: The Nineteenth-Century Press as Material Flow
- Asko Nivala, Hannu Salmi, Jukka Sarjala
- Hypatia’s Politico-Philosophical Parrhesia: A Foucauldian Analysis of Kingsley’s Hypatia
- Nasser Maleki, Mohammad Javad Haj’jari
- Nicholas Terpstra, Religious Refugees in the Early Modern World: An Alternative History of the Reformation
- Costas Gaganakis
- Photini Danou, Η Λερναία Ύδρα των Αχρείων: Τα πληβεία στρώματα στην αγγλική πολιτική σκέψη (1509-1625) [The hydra of the vile: plebeians in English political theory, 1509-1625]
- Lena Liapi
- Sakis Gekas, Xenocracy: State, Class and Colonialism in the Ionian Islands, 1815–1864
- Konstantina Zanou
- Haris Εxertzoglou, Εκ δυσμών το φως; Εξελληνισμός και οριενταλισμός στην Οθωμανική Αυτοκρατορία (μέσα 19ου αιώνα-αρχές 20ού αιώνα) [From the West comes the light? Hellenisation and orientalism in the Ottoman Empire, mid-19th–early 20th centuries]
- Ada A. Dialla
- Paul Thompson, with Joanna Bornat, The Voice of the Past, 4th ed.
- Riki Van Boeschoten
- Dimitris Plantzos, Το πρόσφατο μέλλον: Η κλασική αρχαιότητα ως βιοπολιτικό εργαλείο [The recent future: Greek antiquity as a biopolitical apparatus]
- Stelios Lekakis
- Historicising the Metapolitefsi: A Review of the Three Publications of the Themelio Metapolitefsi Series
- Kimon Markatos
- Glafki Gotsi, Androniki Dialeti and Eleni Fournaraki (eds.), Το φύλο στην ιστορία: αποτιμήσεις και παραδείγματα [Gender in history: historiographical accounts and case studies]
- Danae Karydaki
- Hayden White (1928–2018.
- In memoriam
- Angeliki Spiropoulou
Historein. Atenas, v.17, n.1, 2018.
Brazilian Historiography: Memory, Time and Knowledge in the Writing of History
Published: 2018-01-30
- Editorial Committee: Ada Dialla, Athena Syriatou, Giorgos Plakotos
- Issue Editors: Marcelo Santos de Abreu, Helena Mollo, Estevão Martins
- Book Review Editor: Athena Syriatou
- Cover Photo: Ana Elisa Novais, “Olha pro céu, meu amor!”
- Cover Design: Panagiotis Papidas
- Introduction
- Marcelo Santos de Abreu, Helena Mollo, Estevao C.R. Martins
- Ordering time, nationalising the past: temporality, historiography and Brazil’s “formation”
- Maria da Glória de Oliveira, Rebeca Gontijo, Fábio Franzini
- The forms of history in the nineteenth century: the regimes of autonomy in Brazilian historiography
- Valdei Araujo, Temístocles Cezar
- The thickness of time: the writing of history and appropriation of the past in Brazil, 1830-1930
- Helena Mollo, Rodrigo Turin, Fernando Nicolazzi
- Ethics, present time and memory in Brazilian journals of history, 1981-2014
- Alexandre Avelar, Mateus Henrique de Faria Pereira
- Merih Erol, Greek Orthodox Music in Ottoman Istanbul: Nation and Community in the Era of Reform
- Haris Exertzoglou
- Thomas W. Gallant, Modern Greece: from the War of Independence to the Present
- Nicholas Doumanis
- Anna Karakatsouli, «Μαχητές της ελευθερίας» και 1821: Η ελληνική επανάσταση στη διεθνική της διάσταση [“Freedom Fighters” and 1821: The Greek Revolution in its transnational dimension]
- Yanna Tzourmana
- Yanna Tzourmana, Βρετανοί ριζοσπάστες μεταρρυθμιστές: Φιλικές εταιρείες και κομιτάτα στο Λονδίνο (1790-1823) [British radical reformers: friendly societies and committees in London, 1790-1823]
- Michail Sotiropoulos
- Efi Avdela, «Νέοι εν κινδύνω»: Επιτήρηση, αναμόρφωση και δικαιοσύνη ανηλίκων μετά τον πόλεμο [“Youth at risk”: juvenile surveillance, reformation and justice after the war]
- Maria Papathanasiou
- Kostis Kornetis, Eirini Kotsovili and Nikolaos Papadogiannis, eds. Consumption and Gender in Southern Europe since the Long 1960s
- Alejandro Jose Gomez-del-Moral
- Efi Avdela, Haris Exertzoglou and Christos Lyrintzis, eds. Μορφές δημόσιας κοινωνικότητας στην Ελλάδα του εικοστού αιώνα [Forms of public sociality in 20th-century Greece]
- Eleni Kouki
- Costas Gaganakis, Θουκυδίδης ή Ευσέβιος; Προτεσταντική ιστοριογραφία στη Γαλλία των θρησκευτικών πολέμων (1560-1600) [Thucydides or Eusebius? Protestant historiography in France during the Religious Wars, 1560-1600]
- George Kokkinos
- Christos Efstathiou, E.P. Thompson: Α Twentieth-Century Romantic
- George Souvlis
- Jay Winter (ed.), The Cambridge History of the First World War
- Despina Papadimitriou
- Border Crossing and Medicine: Quarantine, Detention and Containment in History and the Present, 2–4 February 2017
- Sevasti Trubeta
- Georg Iggers, 1926–2017
- Edward Wang
- Spyros I. Asdrachas, 1933-2017
- Eleftheria Zei
Historein. Atenas, v.16, n.1-2, 2017.
Greek Historiography in the 20th Century: Opening a Research Agenda
Published: 2017-06-30
- Editorial Committee: Ada Dialla, Athena Syriatou, Giorgos Plakotos
- Issue Editor: Effi Gazi
- Book Review Editor: Athena Syriatou
- Cover Image: George Harvalias, “Event’s Horizon”, study [2009]
- Introduction
- Effi Gazi
- Debating the Greek 1940s: histories and memories of a conflicting past since the end of the Second World War
- Manos Avgeridis
- The historiography of the Greek Diaspora and migration in the twentieth century
- Lena Korma
- Gender in modern Greek historiography
- Nikolaos Papadogiannis
- On the historiography of the language question in post-1974 Greece
- Alexandra Patrikiou
- The First World War and the refugee crisis: historiography and memory in the Greek context
- Emilia Salvanou
- Historisising twentieth-century historiography
- Antonis Liakos
- Reflections on the historiography of the twentieth century from the perspective of the twenty-first century
- Georg Iggers
- Review of Vasia Lekka’s, The Neurological Emergence of Epilepsy: The National Hospital for the Paralysed and Epileptic (1870–1895)
- Stavros Ioannidis
- Review of Sevasti Trubeta (ed.), Special issue, Zeitschrift für Balkanologie 50/1 (2014)
- Eirini Mergoupi-Savaidou
- Review of Maria Zarimis’, Darwin’s Footprint: Cultural Perspectives on Evolution in Greece (1880-1930s)
- Sevasti Trubeta
- Review of Marius Turda’s and Aaron Gillette, Latin Eugenics in Comparative Perspective
- Marilena Pateraki
- Review of Dimitris Plantzos’, Αρχαιολογίες του Κλασικού: Αναθεωρώντας τον εμπειρικό κανόνα [Archaeologies of the Classical: Reconsidering the empirical rule]
- Giorgos Vavouranakis
- Review of Jennifer Mara Desilva, ed., The Sacralization of Space and Behavior in the Early Modern World: Studies and Sources
- Androniki Dialeti
- Review of Kevin Featherstone et al., Οι τελευταίοι Οθωμανοί: Η μουσουλμανική μειονότητα της Δυτικής Θράκης, 1940-1949 [The Last Ottomans: The Muslim Minority of Greece, 1940–1949]
- Leonidas Karakatsanis
- Review of Trine Stauning Willert’s, New Voices in Greek Orthodox Thought: Untying the Bond between Nation and Religion
- Margarita Markoviti
- Review of Maurizio Isabella and Konstantina Zanou, eds, Mediterranean Diasporas: Politics and Ideas in the Long 19th Century
- Molly Greene
- Review of George Th. Mavrogordatos’, 1915: Ο εθνικός διχασμός [1915: The national schism]
- Aristides N. Hatzis
- Review of Yannis Skalidakis’, Η ελεύθερη Ελλάδα: Η εξουσία του ΕΑΜ στα χρόνια της κατοχής (1943-1944) [Free Greece: The power of EAM in the occupation years, 1943–44]
- Menelaos Haralabidis
- Review of Nikolaos Papadogiannis’, Militant around the Clock? Left-Wing Youth Politics, Leisure, and Sexuality in Post-Dictatorship Greece, 1974–1981
- Kostis Kornetis
- Review of Alexis Heraclides’ and Ada Dialla, Humanitarian Intervention in the Long Nineteenth Century: Setting the Precedent
- Christos Frangonikolopoulos
- Review of Hayden White’s, Λογοτεχνική θεωρία και ιστορική συγγραφή [Literary theory and historical writing]
- Alexandra Lianeri
- Review of Harris Athanasiades’, Τα αποσυρθέντα βιβλία: Έθνος και σχολική Ιστορία στην Ελλάδα, 1858-2008 [The withdrawn textbooks: nation and school history in Greece, 1858–2008]
- Vassiliki Sakka
- Information
- For ReadersFor AuthorsFor Librarians
- Social Media
Historein. Atenas, v.15, n.2, 2015 / v.11, 2011.
Historein. Atenas, v.15, n.2, 2015.
Historein 15/2, 2015)
Published: 2015-12-17
- Editorial Committee: Ada Dialla, Athena Syriatou
- Book Review Editor: Athena Syriatou
- Cover Image: Zafos Xagoraris, “Periscopes” [1998]
- Introduction
- Editorial Committee
- Vita magistra historiae? Life experience and meanings of the past
- Rolf Petri
- Reconceiving pasts in a digital age
- Stefan Tanaka
- Revolutions and regimes of violence
- Thomas Gallant
- Local homelands and national projects: territorial representations in the Bulgarian press from the 1840s to the Russo-Turkish War (1877–1878)
- Dessislava Lilova
- Golden Dawn through a psychosocial lens
- Thalia Dragonas
- Review of Rika Benveniste’s, Αυτοί που επέζησαν; Dimitris Kousouris’, Δίκες των δοσίλογων, 1944-1949; Menelaos Haralabidis’, Δεκεμβριανά 1944; Polymeris Voglis’, Η αδύνατη επανάσταση
- Kostis Karpozilos
- Review of Anna Maria Droumpouki’s, Μνημεία της λήθης: Ίχνη του Β΄Παγκοσμίου Πολέμου στην Ελλάδα και στην Ευρώπη [Monuments to oblivion: traces of the Second World War in Greece and Europe]
- Phaedra Koutsoukou
- Review of Evanthis Hatzivassiliou’s, NATO and Western Perceptions of the Soviet Bloc: Alliance Analysis and Reporting, 1951-1969
- Sotiris Roussos
- Review of Yiannos Katsourides’, History of the Communist Party in Cyprus: Colonialism, Class and the Cypriot Left
- Alexis Rappas
- Review of Fatih Ermiş’, A History of Ottoman Economic Thought: Developments Before the Nineteenth Century
- Marinos Sariyannis
- Review of Vassilios Bogiatzis’, Μετέωρος μοντερνισμός: τεχνολογία, ιδεολογία της επιστήμης και πολιτική στην Ελλάδα του Mεσοπολέμου, 1922-1940 [Suspending modernism: technology, the ideology of science and politics in interwar Greece, 1922–1940]
- Manolis Patiniotis
- Review of Philip Carabott’s, Yannis Hamilakis and Eleni Papargyriou (eds), Camera Graeca: Photographs, Narratives, Materialities
- Penelope Petsini
- Review of Constantin Irodotou’s, Des utopies sadiennes
- Georges Faraklas
- Review of Yannis Kondaratos’, Η θεωρία του William Blake για την τέχνη και η σημασία του εικαστικού του έργου για την κατανόησή της [William Blake’s theory of art and the significance of his artwork for its understanding]
- Elena Hamalidi
- Information
- For ReadersFor AuthorsFor Librarians
- Social Media
Historein. Atenas, v.15, n.1, 2015.
Revisiting Democratic Transitions in Times of Crisis
Published: 2015-12-03
- Editorial Committee: Ada Dialla, Pothiti Hantzaroula, Athena Syriatou
- Issue Editor: Kostis Kornetis
- Book Review Editor: Athena Syriatou
- Cover: Juan Genovés, El abrazo[1976]
- Introduction: The end of a parable? Unsettling the transitology model in the age of crisis
- Kostis Kornetis
- Transitions to democracy: what theory to grasp complexity?
- Leonardo A. Morlino
- Back to the revolution: The 1974 Portuguese spring and its “austere anniversary”
- Guya Accornero
- Narrating the story of a failed national transition: discourses on the Greek crisis, 2010–2014
- Hara Kouki, Antonis Liakos
- Political economy and the ghosts of the past: revisiting the Spanish and Romanian transitions to democracy
- Cornel Ban, Jorge Tamames
- Class, violence and citizenship in the Arab uprisings: assessing deeper forms of transition
- Benoit Challand
- The use of transitology in the field of transitional justice: a critique of the literature on the ‘third wave’ of democratisation
- Raluca Grosescu
- They called it democracy? The aesthetic politics of the Spanish transition to democracy and some collective hijackings of history after the 15M movement
- Germán Labrador Méndez
- Review of Penelope Buckley’s The Alexiad of Anna Komnene: Artistic Strategy in the Making of a Myth
- Kallirroe Linardou
- Review of Julia P. Cohen’s Becoming Ottomans: Sephardi Jews and Imperial Citizenship in the Modern Era
- Darin Stephanov
- Review of Thomas Gallant’s The Edinburgh History of the Greeks, 1768 to 1913: The Long Nineteenth Century
- Konstantina Zanou
- Review of Christopher Clark’s Οι Υπνοβάτες: Πώς η Ευρώπη πήγε στον πόλεμο το 1914 [The Sleepwalkers: How Europe went to War in 1914]
- Elli Lemonidou
- Review of Alexis Rappas’ Cyprus in the 1930s: British Colonial Rule and the Roots of the Cyprus Conflict
- Eleni Braat
- Review of Kostis Kornetis’ Children of the Dictatorship: Student Resistance, Cultural Politics and the “Long 1960s'” in Greece
- Polymeris Voglis
- Review of Manuel Loff, Pilipe Piedade and Luciana Castro Soutelo (eds.), Ditaduras e Revolução: Democracia e Políticas da Memória
- Miguel Cardina
- Review of Ioannis D. Evrigenis’ Αντίπαλον δέος: Έξωθεν φόβος και συλλογική δράση [Fear of Enemies and Collective Action]
- Georgios Steiris
- Review of Nikos Daskalothanassis’ Ιστορία της τέχνης: H γέννηση μιας νέας επιστήμης από τον 19ο στον 20ό αιώνα [Art history: the birth of a new discipline from the 19th to 20th centuries]
- Lia Yoka
- Political Thought and Practice in the Ottoman Empire (Halcyon Days in Crete IX Symposium, Rethymno, 9-11 January 2015)
- Eleni Gara
- International Commission for the History and Theory of Historiography Book Prize 2016
- Chris FG Lorenz
- Late this Summer-In Memoriam Vangelis Kechriotis
- Ioanna Laliotou, Vangelis Karamanolakis
- Farewell to Vangelis Kechriotis
- Vangelis Karamanolakis
- Information
- For ReadersFor AuthorsFor Librarians
- Social Media
Historein. Atenas, v.14, n.2, 2014.
Historein 14/2, 2014)
Published: 2015-02-12
- Editorial Committee: Ada Dialla, Pothiti Hantzaroula, Athena Syriatou
- Book Review Editor: Athena Syriatou
- Cover: Tassos Triantafyllou, Berlin 36 [1988]
- Introduction
- Editorial Committee
- Narrative engulfment: the public intellectual and narrative misrepresentation
- Sande Cohen
- Institutional and conceptual transformations of philosophy of history
- Ivelina Ivanova, Todor Hristov
- Crowdsourcing digital history online
- Despoina Valatsou
- The characteristics and trends of historical writing in the People’s Republic of China since 1978
- Xupeng Zhang
- Tartu–Moscow school of semiotics and history
- Taras Boyko
- Establishing the cultural identity of the west in the early Cold War: a conceptual approach
- Despina Papadimitriou
- From politics to nostalgia – and back to politics: Tracing the shifts in the filmic depiction of the Greek ‘long 1960s’ over time
- Kostis Kornetis
- Review essay: A surfeit of violence?
- Haris Exertzoglou
- Review essay: Shuttered experiences and revolution; A. Agathangelou and N. Soguk, (eds), Arab Revolutions and World Transformations
- Michalis Bartsidis, Fotini Tsibiridou
- Review of Yannis Hamilakis’s Archaeology and the Senses: Human Experience, Memory, and Affect; Alfredo Gonzàles-Ruibal (ed), Reclaiming Archaeology: Beyond the Tropes of Modernity
- Dimitris Plantzos
- Review of Vasileios Syros’s, Marsilius of Padua at the Intersection of Ancient and Medieval Traditions of Political Thought
- Eleni Tounta
- Review of Photini Danou’s “Προδότες της Βασίλισσας και του Ἐθνους”. Καθολικισμός και λόγος περί προδοσίας στην ελισαβετιανή προπαγάνδα (1558-1585) [‘Traitors to the queen and the nation’: Catholicism and discourse about treason in Elizabethan propaganda, 1558-1585]
- Aglaia E. Kasdagli
- Review of Pierre Birnbaum’s A Tale of Ritual Murder in the Age of Louis XIV: The Trial of Raphaël Lévy, 1669
- Giorgos Plakotos
- Review of Antonis Anastasopoulos (ed.), Political Initiatives ‘From the Bottom Up’ in the Ottoman Empire
- Virginia Aksan
- Review of Lina Venturas and Lambros Balsiotis (eds), Το έθνος πέραν των συνόρων: «Ομογενειακές» πολιτικές του ελληνικού κράτους [The nation beyond borders: the ‘diaspora’ policies of the Greek state]
- Michael Tsapogas
- Review of Paraskevi Golia’s Υμνώντας το έθνος. Ο ρόλος των σχολικών γιορτών στην εθνική και πολιτική διαπαιδαγώγηση, 1924-2010 [Praising the nation: The role of national day school commemorations in national and political-education policy, 1924-2010]
- Zeta G. Papandreou
- Review of Nikos Demertzis, Eleni Paschaloudi and Giorgos Antoniou (eds), Εμφύλιος: Πολιτισμικό τραύμα [Civil war: cultural trauma]
- Vasilis Dalkavoukis
- Review of Kateřina Králová, Konstantinos Tsivos et al., Vyschly Nám Slzy… Řečtí uprchlíci v Československu [We have no tears left to cry: Greek refugees in Czechoslovakia]
- Georgia Sarikoudi
- Review of Alexandros Nafpliotis’s Britain and the Greek Colonels: Accommodating the Junta in the Cold War
- Yannis Skalidakis
- Information
- For ReadersFor AuthorsFor Librarians
- Social Media
Historein. Atenas, v.14, n.1, 2014.
On the Edge of History and Philosophy
Published: 2014-09-06
- Editorial Committee: Ada Dialla, Pothiti Hantzaroula, Athena Syriatou
- Book Review Editor: Athena Syriatou
- Introduction: On the Edge of History and Philosophy
- Editorial Committee
- About lost futures or the political heart of history
- María Inés Mudrovcic
- Illuminating affects: Sexual violence as a crime against humanity. The Argentine case
- Cecilia Macon
- The ambiguous victim: Miklós Nyiszli’s narrative of medical experimentation in Auschwitz-Birkenau
- Marius Turda
- Explorations between philosophy and history
- Chris F.G. Lorenz
- On the research and the writing phase of the historian’s work
- Hayden White
- Between positivism and narrativism in Polish methodology of history
- Krzysztof Brzechczyn
- On the ‘strudel and apples’ theory of historiography: A reply to Chris Lorenz
- Aviezer Tucker
- Chris Lorenz’s idea of conceptual inversion
- Ewa Domanska
- Postcolonial theory and false dichotomies
- Monika Bobako
- Reply to my critics
- Chris F.G. Lorenz
- Review of S. Trubeta’s Physical Anthropology, Race and Eugenics in Greece (1880s-1970s)
- Manos Savvakis
- Review of C. Ingrao’s “Believe and Destroy”: Intellectuals in the SS War Machine
- Anna Maria Droumpouki
- Review of D. Stone (ed.), The Holocaust and Historical Methodology
- Haris Exertzoglou
- Review of O. Varon-Vassard’s Η ανάδυση μιας δύσκολης μνήμης. Κείμενα για τη γενοκτονία των Εβραίων [The emergence of a difficult memory: Texts on the genocide of the Jews]
- Effi Gazi
- Review of K. P. Kostis’s “Τα κακομαθημένα παιδιά της Ιστορίας”: Η διαμόρφωση του νεοελληνικού κράτους 18ος-21ος αιώνας [“History’s spoiled children”: The formation of the modern Greek state, 18th-21st centuries]
- Sakis Gekas
- Review of N. Theotokas’s Ο βίος του στρατηγού Μακρυγιάννη: Απομνημόνευμα και Ιστορία [The life of General Makriyannis: memoir and history]
- Eleni Andriakaina
- Review of Koumas’s Μικρά κράτη, συλλογική ασφάλεια, Κοινωνία των Εθνών: Η Ελλάδα και το ζήτημα του αφοπλισμού 1919-1934 [Small states, collective security, League of Nations: Greece and the disarmament question, 1919-1934]
- Sotiris Rizas
- Review of O. V. Sokolovskaia’s Grecheskaia koroleva Ol’ga Konstantinovna – Pod molotom sud’by [The Greek queen Olga Konstantinovna: under the hammer of fate]
- Lucien James Frary
- Review of M. Papathanassiou’s Διαδρομές και ταυτότητες περιπλανώμενων τεχνιτών: Δύο ζαχαροπλάστες στην Ευρώπη του 19ου αιώνα [Tramping artisans’ routes and identities: Two journeymen-confectioners in nineteenth-century Europe]
- Anna Karakatsouli
- Review of E. Robinson’s History, Heritage and Tradition in Contemporary British Politics: Past Politics and Present Histories
- Emilia Salvanou
- Review of J. L. Davis and N. Vogeikoff-Brogan (eds), Philhellenism, Philanthropy, or Political Convenience? American Archaeology in Greece; Special issue of Hesperia (2013)
- Dimitris Plantzos
- Information
- For ReadersFor AuthorsFor Librarians
- Social Media
Historein. Atenas, v.13, 2013.
Questions and Orientations in History during the last 20 years. Part 2
Published: 2014-01-18
- Editorial Committee: Ada Dialla, Pothiti Hantzaroula, Athena Syriatou
- Book Review Editor: Athena Syriatou
- Cover: Jannis Psychopedis, Bread Education Freedom[2010]
- Introduction: Questions and Orientations in History During the Last 20 Years
- Editorial Committee
- Global history in the age of crisis: metanarratives of material progress and the rise of Asia
- Sakis Gekas
- Between nation and empire: revisiting the Russian past twenty years later
- Ada A. Dialla
- Postcolonial criticism encounters late Ottoman studies
- Vangelis Kechriotis
- ‘Talkin’ about a revolution, it sounds like a whisper’: theories and debates on social revolutions
- Polymeris Voglis
- 1968, 1989, 2011: reconsidering social movements, ‘moments of change’ and theoretical framing over time
- Kostis Kornetis
- Trajectories of social history: a report
- Haris Exertzoglou
- Review of Pothiti Hantzaroula’s Σμιλεύοντας την υποταγή: Οι έμμισθες οικιακές εργάτριες στην Ελλάδα το πρώτο μισό του 20ού αιώνα [Carving subordination: domestic workers in Greece in the first half of the 20th century]
- Nikos Xypolytas
- Review of Efi Kanner’s Έμφυλες κοινωνικές διεκδικήσεις από την Οθωμανική Αυτοκρατορία στην Ελλάδα και στην Τουρκία. Ο κόσμος μιας ελληνίδας χριστιανής δασκάλας [Gendered social demands from the Ottoman Empire to Greece and Turkey]
- Dimitra Vassiliadou
- Review of Choman Hardi’s Gendered Experiences of Genocide: Anfal Survivors in Kurdistan-Iraq
- Eirini Avramopoulou
- Review of Angeliki Spiropoulou’s Virginia Woolf, Modernity and History: Constellations with Walter Benjamin
- Jana Funke
- Review of Philippe Poirrier (ed.), Pour une histoire des politiques culturelles dans le monde, 1945–2011 [For a history of cultural policies in the world, 1945–2011]
- Foivos Botsis
- Review of Antonis Liakos’s Αποκάλυψη, Ουτοπία και Ιστορία: Οι μεταμορφώσεις της ιστορικής συνείδησης [Apocalypse, utopia and history: the transformations of historical consciousness]
- Yannis Stavrakakis
- Review of Nikolas Rose’s The Politics of Life Itself: Biomedicine, Power, and Subjectivity in the Twenty-First Century
- Vasia Lekka
- Review of Promitzer et al. (eds), Health, Hygiene and Eugenics in Southeastern Europe to 1945
- Despo Kritsotaki
- Review of Joakim Radkau’s Wood: A History
- Vaso Seirinidou
- Review of Petros Pizanias (ed), The Greek Revolution of 1821: A European Event
- Vasiliki Amorati
- Review of N. Diamantouros, Th. Dragonas and F. Birtek (eds), Ελλάδα και Τουρκία: Εκσυγχρονιστικές γεωγραφίες και χωρικές αντιλήψεις του έθνους [Spatial conceptions of the nation: modernising geographies in Greece and Turkey]
- Efi Kanner
- Review of Artemis Yagou’s Fragile Innovation: Episodes in Greek Design History
- Dimitris Plantzos
- Review of Vicky Karafoulidou’s Η γλώσσα του σοσιαλισμού: ταξική προοπτική και εθνική ιδεολογία στον ελληνικό 19ο αι. [The Language of Socialism: the Perspective of Class and National Ideology in the Greek 19th c.]
- Kostis Karpozilos
- Metapolitefsi: From the Transition to Democracy to the Economic Crisis, Athens, 14–16 December 2012
- Georgios Giannakopoulos
- Information
- For ReadersFor AuthorsFor Librarians
- Social Media
Historein. Atenas, v.12, 2012.
Questions and Orientations in History during the last 20 years. Part 1
Published: 2013-04-10
- Editorial Committee: Ada Dialla, Pothiti Hantzaroula, Athena Syriatou, Polymeris Voglis
- Book Review Editor: Athena Syriatou
- Cover: Jannis Psychopedis, Nostos, detail [2008]
- Introduction
- Editorial Committee
- Long Time Coming, Long time Gone: the Past, Present and Future of Social History
- Thomas Gallant
- The idea of culture and the history of emotions
- Rolf Petri
- National, Imperial, Colonial and the Political: British Imperial Histories and their Descendants
- Athena Syriatou
- Archaeology after the End of history
- Dimitris Plantzos
- From the Social History of the Reformation (1960-1980) to the Reformation as Communication Process (1990-2000)
- Costas Gaganakis
- Perdus dans l’archive:Foucault, l’historien et l’écrivain
- Henriette-Rika Benveniste
- The Balkans at the Turn of the Nineteenth to the Twentieth Centuries
- Editorial Committee
- The Second World War and Its Aftermath
- Editorial Committee
- Information
- For ReadersFor AuthorsFor Librarians
- Social Media
Historein. Atenas, v.11, 2011.
Politics and History
Published: 2012-06-11
- Editorial Committee: Luigi Cajani, Antonis Liakos
- How to Deal with Tormented Pasts
- Antonis Liakos
- History, Memory and the Law in France, 1990–2010
- Pierre Nora
- Using History: The Struggle over Traumatic Experiences of the Past in Historical Culture
- Jörn Rüsen
- Criminal Laws on History: The Case of the European Union
- Luigi Cajani
- How Much Does Historical Truth Still Matter?
- Marina Cattaruzza
- Conceptualising Historical Crimes
- Antoon De Baets
- Holocaust Denial: Anti-Semitism as a Refusal to Accept Reality
- Wolfgang Benz
- Does the Iliad need an Agamemnon Version? History, Politics and the Greek 1940s
- Thanasis D. Sfikas, Anna Mahera
- From Oblivion to Obsession: The Uses of History in Recent Public Debates in Turkey
- Vangelis Kechriotis
- Kulturgeschichte as a Political Tool: The Finnish Case
- Marja Jalava
- Puzzles of the Past: Silences, Omissions and Unexplored Topics in History
- Thomas W. Gallant, Aris Sarafianos
- Historein Historein
- Information
- For ReadersFor AuthorsFor Librarians
- Social Media
Historein. Atenas, v.10, 2010/ v.1, 1999.
Historein. Atenas, v.10, 2010.
History between Reflexivity and Critique
Published: 2012-04-24
- Editorial Committee: Effi Gazi
- History between Reflexivity and Critique
- Effi Gazi
- The Practical Past
- Hayden White
- Thinking About History in the European Sixteenth Century: La Popelinière and his Quest for “Perfect History”
- Kostas Gaganakis
- Original Knowledge and True Enlightenment: Ranke’s Kritik in Context
- D. Braw
- The Uses and Misuses of Historical Reflexivity in Philosophy: From “Historical Critique” to “Deconstruction”
- Servanne Jollivet
- Gender History and the Transformation of the Poetics of Historical Knowledge
- Pothiti Hantzaroula
- Historiography and Nonwestern Pasts
- Sanjay Seth
- The Power of Paradox: The Double-Edged Effect of the Postcolonial Challenge to Modern Historiography
- Edward Wang
- Scale and Cognition in Historical Constructions of Space
- Diana Mishkova
- Critical Historiography in the Entertainment Age
- Kalle Pihlainen
- Beyond Anthropocentrism in Historical Studies
- Ewa Domanska
- Historiographical Estrangement as Critique: The Divided History of Demokratia
- Alexandra Lianeri
- What is Historical Critique About?
- Antonis Liakos
- Daho Djerbal, Athena Athanasiou, Elena Tzelepis
- Historein Historein
- Information
- For ReadersFor AuthorsFor Librarians
- Social Media
Historein. Atenas, v.9, 2009.
Historising: 1968 and the Long Sixties
Published: 2012-05-22
- Editorial Committee: Ada Dialla, Vangelis Karamanolakis, Kostis Kornetis
- 1968–2008: The Inheritance of Utopia
- Kostis Kornetis
- The Problematic Intellectual Repercussions of ’68: Reflections in a Jump-cut Style
- Luisa Passerini
- “Everything Links”? Temporality, Territoriality and Cultural Transfer in the ’68 Protest Movements
- Kostis Kornetis
- Utopia in Practise: The Discovery of Performativity in Sixties’ Protest, Arts and Sciences
- Martin Klimke, Joachim Scharloth
- “Got a Revolution, got to revolution”: Student Activism and the Anti-war Movement. An Historical Assessment
- Thomas W. Gallant
- Reflections on the Anti-war Movement, Then and Now
- Marilyn B. Young
- From Coherence to Fragments: ‘1968’ and the Making of Youth Politicisation in Greece in the 1970s
- Nikolaos Papadogiannis
- Questioning the Neutrality of Science
- Kostas Gavroglu
- 1968 an an Epistemological Catalyst: Contentious Politics and Antinomies in the Study of Social Movements
- Seraphim Seferiades
- British Education and the Defamation of the Sixties
- Athena Syriatou
- Art Movements in the 1960s and the Debate about Modernity
- Angeliki Koufou
- Contentious Historisation. The Conference on “1968, Forty Years Later”
- Antonis Liakos
- Historein Historein
- Bulletin
- Historein Historein
- Yota Kravaritou (1944–2008) A ‘child’ of ’68
- Historein Historein
- Information
- For ReadersFor AuthorsFor Librarians
- Social Media
Historein. Atenas, v.8, 2008.
Performing Emotions: Historical and Anthropological Sites of Affect
Published: 2012-05-22
- Editorial Committee: Athena Athanasiou, Pothiti Hantzaroula, Despoina Valatsou, Kostas Yannakopoulos
- Towards a New Epistemology: The “Affective Turn”
- Athena Athanasiou, Pothiti Hantzaroula, Kostas Yannakopoulos
- Fear and History
- Peter N. Stearns
- Of Rats and Names (Reflections on Hate)
- Gil Anidjar
- Emotional Forces in Historical Thinking: Some Metahistorical Reflections and the Case of Mourning
- Jörn Rüsen
- Deep Images in Nineteenth- Century Nationalist Narrative
- Alberto Mario Banti
- A New Species of Man: The Man of Feeling
- Jina Politi
- Of Euro-Symbols and Euro-Sentiments: The Case of Town and School Twinning
- Eleni Papagaroufali
- On the Ambiguities of Altruism and the Domestication of Emotions
- Alexandra Bakalaki
- Relationships of Affection. Relationships of Power: Death and Family Grieving in the Islands of the Aegean, 17th–18th Centuries
- Eleftheria Zei
- Stairway to Heaven: Calvinist Grief and Redemption in the French Wars of Religion
- Costas Gaganakis
- History, our own Stories and Emotions Online
- Despoina Valatsou
- Connecting Emotions. Contributions from Cultural History
- Luisa Passerini
- Historein Historein
- Transnational Concepts, Transfers and the Challenge of the Peripheries Annual Conference of the History of Political and Social Concepts Group, Istanbul, 30 August–2 September 2007
- Anthoula Malkopoulou
- Information
- For ReadersFor AuthorsFor Librarians
- Social Media
Historein. Atenas, v.7, 2007.
History and Utopia
Published: 2012-05-22
- Editorial Committee: Jörn Rüsen, Antonis Liakos, Polymeris Voglis
- History and Utopia
- Jörn Rüsen
- The Future of Utopia in History
- Hayden White
- Utopian and Historical Thinking: Interplays and Transferences
- Antonis Liakos
- Timely Utopias: Notes on Utopian Thinking in the Twentieth Century
- Ioanna Laliotou
- A Successful Utopia: The Doctrine of Human Dignity
- Antoon De Baets
- Utopia and Reality in the Art of the October Revolution
- Syrago Tsiara
- A Contribution to the Archaeology of Modern Utopian Thought: History and Utopia in Plethon’s Oeuvre
- Yannis Smarnakis
- Historein Historein
- Information
- For ReadersFor AuthorsFor Librarians
- Social Media
Historein. Atenas, v.6, 2006.
Religions in Conflict
Published: 2012-05-22
- Editorial Committee: Henriette-Rika Benveniste, Costas Gaganakis, Polymeris Voglis
- Religions in Conflict. From Polemics to Wars (Late Antiquity–18th Century)
- Henriette-Rika Benveniste, Costas Gaganakis
- New Testament Teachings and Readings on the Legitimacy of Warfare
- Despina Iosif
- Christians against Christians: The Anti-heretical Activities of the Roman Church in the Second Century
- Dimitris J. Kyrtatas
- Le procès de Jean dit Italos révisé
- Pâris Gounaridis
- Making Enemies: Latin Christendom in the Age of Reform
- I. Moore
- Mary and the Jews: Story, Controversy, and Testimony
- Ora Limor
- On the Language of Conversion: Visigothic Spain Revisited
- Henriette-Rika Benveniste
- Power and Fearin Philip IV’s France
- James Given
- From Polemics to Wars: The Curious Case of the House of Guise and the Outbreak of the French Wars of Religion
- Philip Benedict
- L’imaginaire du zèle ligueur: entre conversion et possession
- Denis Crouzet
- Religious Zeal and Political Expediency on the Eve of the French Wars of Religion
- Costas Gaganakis
- Reading the Ancients: Remnants of Byzantine Controversies in the Greek National Narrative
- Effi Gazi
- The Diaspora of Greek Painting in the Nineteenth Century: Christou’s Model and the Case of Marie Spartali-Stillman
- Aris Sarafianos
- Historein Historein
- Information
- For ReadersFor AuthorsFor Librarians
- Social Media
Historein. Atenas, v.5, 2005.
Published: 2012-05-22
- Editorial Committee: Ioanna Laliotou, Yannis Papatheodorou, Polymeris Voglis
- Entering the Empire
- Ioanna Laliotou, Yiannis Papatheodorou, Polymeris Voglis
- Postcolonialism: From Bandung to the Tricontinental
- Robert J. C. Young
- Imagining the ‘Global’? National Europe, Imperial Ideology and the Legacies of Rome in Nineteenth-Century Britain
- Margarita Miliori
- Reflections on the Politics of Mourning: Feminist Ethics and Politics in the Age of Empire
- Athena Athanasiou
- The Asiatic Mode of Production: National and Imperial Formations
- Rebecca E. Karl
- From Machiavelli to the Sultans: Power Networks in the Ottoman Imperial Context
- Dimitris Stamatopoulos
- Empire and Nation: Tensions and Convergences in Russia, 1861–1905
- Ada Dialla
- L’Empire hispanique et l’idée d’empire dans l’historiographie espagnole moderne
- Lluís Roura i Aulinas
- Discord or Achievement? Reflections on the Habsburg Empire, 1848–1918
- Konstantinos Raptis
- The Visibility of History – Bridging the Gap between Historiography and the Fine Arts
- Jörn Rüsen
- Historein Historein
- Nation and Empire Annual Conference of the Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism (ASEN), 20–21 April 2005
- Vangelis Kechriotis
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Historein. Atenas, v.4, 2003.
Public Histories
Published: 2012-05-22
- Editorial Committee: Effi Gazi (editor-in-chief), Pothiti Hantzaroula, Vangelis Karamanolakis, Katerina Papakonstantinou
- Claiming History. Debating the Past in the Present
- Effi Gazi
- History in the Digital Domain
- Mark Poster
- Images of History and the Optical Unconcious
- Gregory Paschalidis
- The Past Beneath the Present. The Resurgence of World War II Public History After the Collapse of Communism: A Stroll Through the International Press
- Hagen Fleischer
- The Politics of History and the History of Politics: The Rewriting of the Past During Perestroika (1985-1990)
- Hara Kouki
- Serving the Nation: Historiography in the Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) After Socialism
- Ulf Brunnbauer
- Historiography in Bulgaria After the Fall of Communism: Did “The Change” Happen?
- Ivan Elenkov, Daniela Koleva
- Progrès et catastrophe. La conception de l’histoire de Walter Benjamin
- Michael Löwy
- Changing Frames of Historiography: Cappadocian Stories
- Ioanna Petropoulou
- Historein Historein
- Visualizing Community, State and Nation: images of power and social bond 13-18 July 2002
- Despoina Valatsou
- Elli Scopetea (1950-2002) Member of the Academic Board of Historein
- Historein Historein
- Philippos Iliou (1931-2004)
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Historein. Atenas, v.3, 2001.
European Ego-histoires: Historiography and the Self, 1970-2000
Published: 2012-05-28
- Editors: Luisa Passerini, Alexander C. T. Geppert
- Editor-in-Chief: Pothiti Hantzaroula
- Historein’s Note
- Historians in Flux: The Concept, Task and Challenge of ego-histoire
- Luisa Passerini, Alexander C. T. Geppert
- L’ego-histoire est-elle possible ?
- Pierre Nora
- New Ways in History, or, Talking About My Generation
- John Brewer
- History Writing as the Return of the Repressed
- Antonis Liakos
- Heroic Families and Utopian Histories
- Barbara Taylor
- From Science to History: Ego-history in the Context of Transition Society
- Leonid Borodkin
- A Historian’s ‘‘Biology’’: On the Traces of the Body in a Technogenic World
- Barbara Duden
- History and Theory: An English Story
- Gareth Stedman Jones
- Living Memory and Historical Practice: A Personal Tale
- Lutz Niethammer
- Historians and (Auto)Biography: A Select Bibliography
- Alexander C. T. Geppert
- Historein Historein
- Polymeris Voglis : Historein’s Conference: Claiming History. Aspects of Contemporary Historical Culture / Katerina Tzamali : Roumanie et Bulgarie depuis les années ’30: Une comparaison
- Historein Historein
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Historein. Atenas, v.2, 2000.
Heterodoxies: Constructions of Identities and Otherness in Medieval and Early Modern Europe
Published: 2012-05-28
- Editorial Committee: Henriette-Rika Benveniste, Costas Gaganakis, Vangelis Karamanolakis, Ioanna Laliotou, Michalis Warlas
- Heterodoxies: Construction of identities and otherness in medieval and early Modern Europe
- Henriette-Rika Benveniste, Costas Gaganakis
- Cannibalism and Knowledge
- Natalie Zemon Davis
- Selfhood as Otherness: Constructing English Identity in the Elisabethan Age
- Carlo Ginzburg
- The Transformation of Historical Writing from Syntagmatic to Paradigmatic Syntax
- Antonis Liakos
- Knowledge of Others and Self-Perceptions of European Identity
- Stuart Woolf
- Early Modern Italian Confraternities: Inclusion and Exclusion
- Christopher Black
- Constructing Spanish Identity at the Center of the Old World: The Spanish Nation in Rome, 1558-1625
- Thomas Dandelet
- Les ‘jeunes’ face au Prince. Le contrôle des violences rituelles dans la Duché de Ferrare (1452-1574)
- Giovanni Ricci
- Visibilité et identité flottante: Les ‘Bohémiens’ ou ‘Egyptiens’ (Tsiganes) dans la France de l’Ancien Régime
- Henriette Asséo
- Byzantine Heterodoxy and the Search for Identities: Some Thoughts on Byzantine Iconoclasm
- Christine Angelidi
- Identités byzantines
- Tonia Kioussopoulou
- Pratiques de représentation et constructions d’identité: juifs et chrétiens au XIIe siècle
- Henriette Benveniste
- Rival Constructions of ‘Frenchness’ in the French Religious Wars, 1560-1590. The reading of Pierre de l’Estoile
- Costas Gaganakis
- Cursing with a Message: the Case of Georgios Karaiskakis in 1823
- Maroula Efthymiou
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Historein. Atenas, v.1, 1999.
History and Semiotics
Published: 2012-05-28
- Editorial Committee: Effi Gazi, Vangelis Karamanolakis, Ioanna Laliotou, Ioulia Pentazou
- Historein: Asking Questions
- Historein Historein
- History and Semiotics
- Luisa Passerini
- Gaps in a Nation’s Memory: Body Culture and Nazi Politics in Interwar Austria
- Wolfgang Weber
- Science and Religion in Greece, at the End of 19th Century
- Theodore Kritikos
- The Formation of Early Helenic Nationalism and the Special Symbolic and Material Interests of the New Radical Republican Intelligentsia (ca. 1790-1830)
- Socrates D. Petmezas
- Shifting Boundaries: Language, Community and the “non-Greek speaking Greeks”
- Haris Exertzoglou
- National History: Construct or/and Reality?
- Historein Historein
- The Construction of Czech National History
- Miroslav Hroch, Jitka Malecková
- Ésquisse d’une histoire de la responsabilité dans les récits juifs de persécution: les témoignages du Moyen Age
- Henriette-Rika Benveniste
- Millennien und andere Jubeljahre: Warum feiern wir Geschichte?
- Michael Mitterauer
- Supranationality, Postmodernism and Construction of Identity: Comments on the Formation and Institution of European Studies.
- Yiorgos Kokkinos
- Historein Historein
- Bulletin
- Historein Historein
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Historein | CIHS | 1999
Historein (Athens, 1999) is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access electronic journal published biannually by the Cultural and Intellectual History Society (Athens). It is both historical and interdisciplinary in its perspective. It is thus situated within a scholarly “free trade” zone that encourages the interaction between history, philosophy, social anthropology, sociology, gender and labour studies, epistemology, literary and cultural studies. Its main aim is to promote the study of themes and phenomena that cannot be approached solely from within one discipline.
Historein strongly supports approaches that tend to erase the distance between theory and research by making self-reflection a vital element of historical scholarship at all levels and stages. At the centre of its interest are questions concerning the production of knowledge about the past, the historicity of interpretative and argumentative strategies, and the politics of disciplinarity. Within this framework, Historein also aims at the enrichment of the evolving debates around class, gender, race, ethnicity, nationality, religion and generation, and the impact respective conceptualisations have had on the establishment of collective formations and subjectivities.
The journal invites articles that present research around the theme of each issue. Contextual approaches and case-studies are welcomed, while emphasis is put on the national, transnational and global structures and dynamics that have defined and determined these phenomena in the modern era. Apart from scholarly articles, it also contains a review section referring mostly to recently published works mainly but not exclusively on Greece. Its intention is to create a vibrant forum for critical insights and exchanges, and invites contributions that include reviews, commentaries and review articles that promote crucial dialogue and take positions within contemporary debates in the fields of history and the humanities.
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