Akdeniz’de Savaş: Osmanlı-İspanya Mücadelesi | Hüseyin Serdar Tabakoglu

In the last three decades, comparative historiography has gained importance, which is a turning point in the Ottoman historiography. In this way, scholars started to elude the archaic Rankean penchant that is so dry wording for readers. Hence, novel, and systematic studies are initiated by systemized texts, concepts, and documents rather than listing a plethora of documents and historical information like an inventory register. By reducing a rigid methodology, studies will be more well-rounded.

The Mediterranean witnessed an immense struggle between the Spanish and Ottoman empires in the 16th century. At that time two empires aimed to rule the sea by using not only the military instruments such as galleys but also the intelligence or disinformations, which can be called espionage. In order to produce an extensive dissertation of this issue, it must be done “a puzzle” by researching archives of foreign countries, put another way, utilize from different sources or documents that is the only way to study and to get a grip on Ottoman-Spain relations. Leia Mais