International, transcontinental and intrarregional human mobilities: biopower, migrant strategies, and representations (19th to 21st centuries)  | Diálogos | 2020  

This dossier emerges as an initiative of its coordinators and editors –Lai Sai Acón Chan and Ronald Soto-Quirós– who are interested in international migrations and collaborate jointly on a project to recover the historical memory of Chinese migrations in Costa Rica (PREMEHCHI for its acronym in Spanish). This project is led by an international multidisciplinary team of researchers from the University of Costa Rica, the UNED (Costa Rica), the multidisciplinary team on Latin America and the Iberian Peninsula of the Université Bordeaux Montaigne (Bordeaux, France) and the University of Minnesota Morris. PREMEHCHI is based at the University of Costa Rica (San José, Costa Rica)1.

The dossier of this issue of Diálogos, a journal of the Department of History and the Graduate Program in History of the State University of Maringá (UEM) is a first effort to publish bilingual versions of the same article (English and Spanish or Portuguese) in order to achieve greater internationalization and facilitate the dissemination of knowledge. In this particular case, the dossier focuses on the phenomenon of international migration –or international human mobility – addressed from the perspective of scholars specializing in a wide array of disciplines (history, sociology, political science, cultural studies, cinema, and others), from different geographical locations (Costa Rica, Honduras, United States, France and Spain) and in a wide chronological span (XIX-XXI centuries). Leia Mais

Violencia(s), movilidad humana y derechos humanos/Historia y Grafía/2019

El empeoramiento de las condiciones de seguridad en América Latina y el endurecimiento de los controles con fines de seguridad violentan a diario los derechos civiles de la población. El crimen organizado ha ido ganando terreno, junto con la delincuencia común, la cual se ha ido sofisticando hasta convertirse en el brazo armado del narcotráfico. Se observa el crecimiento de pandillas juveniles en diversas zonas de la región, que vulneran a la población civil. La respuesta de los gobiernos es mayor control policial, que por fuerza repercute en violencia y violación de derechos. Leia Mais