Historiography of Science in South America (Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay) | Transversal | 2021

Nicolau Copernico 1473 1543 Netnature Historiography of Science
Nicolau Copérnico (1473-1543) | Imagem: Netnature

As we know, philosophical and scientific ideas and thoughts circulate around the world. However, of course, the context of reception of these ideas is not necessarily the same as it is in the soil where they were created. Receptions are reflected from other contexts and usually meet other demands, creating other actions, technological deployments, and products. Historiographical reflection on science is no different. Ideas on the history and philosophy of science that emerged in Europe, especially from the first half of the 20th century, arrived in South America and generated new reflections and productions based on local realities. In an effort to establish itself in the southern continent of America and seek its institutionalization in these lands, it was necessary to find tools that could help the historical and philosophical understanding of the young science. Leia Mais

Women in Sciences: Historiography of Science and History of Science – on the Work of Women in Sciences and Philosophy | Transversal | 2019

Women’s participation in the advancement of science and the discussions of philosophical issues have a long history. In fact, their participation in the production of knowledge is as old as mankind itself, or in order to avoid the generic use of “man” and to use gender-neutral language, it would better to say that it is as old as humanity itself.

In 1690, Gilles Ménage published the first-ever history of women philosophers, Historia mulierum philosopharum (History of women philosophers), which provides an account of 65 female philosophers from the past 2,500 years. The Paris intellectual, Ménage, advocated for the appointment of women to the Académie française, arguing that their contribution had greatly enriched science and philosophy. Nearly 100 years later, in 1775, Christian August Wichmann wrote the German encyclopedia entitled Geschichte berühmter Frauenzimmer (History of famous women). Leia Mais

Transversal | UFMG | 2016

Transversal Historiography of Science

Transversal: International Journal for the Historiography of Science (Belo Horizonte, 2016-) is an open-access semiannual [June and December] online journal published by the Graduate Program in History (Science and Culture in History) of Federal University of Minas Gerais (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais).

Transversal: International Journal for the Historiography of Science promotes scholarly research in the historiography of science and chronicles its history and criticism. Although historiography of science is a sub-discipline of History, we construe this subject broadly to include analysis of the historiography of science produced by history of science, philosophy of science, science education and related disciplines.

By focusing its analysis on the different historical, social and epistemological implications of science, historiography of science is a transversal knowledge with respect to the production of science, hence the name of this journal. In order to accomplish its purpose, Transversal: International Journal for the Historiography of Science discusses historical, theoretical, conceptual and methodological aspects of the different themes, works and authors present in this tradition, as well as the new approaches in the recent historiography of science.

Periodicidade semestral.

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ISSN: 2526-2270

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